Sep 28, 2020
Few streets in Dublin have gone on a journey like Henrietta Street. From Georgian grandeur to tenement decline, this story touches on names as diverse as Luke Gardiner,Mary Wollstonecraft, Uinseann MacEoin and Herbert Simms.
Sep 21, 2020
On 20 September 1920, the town of Balbriggan was besieged by Black and Tans. Their misfortune was to be the proximity of the town to Dublin city, and the atrocity would make its way to the House of Commons and the New York Times. This special edition of the podcast - produced quickly to mark the event - explores...
Sep 13, 2020
What will happen to the home of The O'Rahilly? The beautiful Edwardian Ballsbridge house, built at the time of the massive World Fair in Hebert Park, is currently causing great debate. Donal Fallon explores The O'Rahilly and his home.
Sep 7, 2020
Frank Harte, from Dublin's Chapelizod, was the son of a publican who became an architect, but who is best remembered as a collector of songs. From Anonymous to Zozimus, he gathered thousands of songs in his lifetime, and has been acknowledged as a central influence by Lankum and others. This is an introduction to one of...