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Three Castles Burning

Feb 17, 2022

Kathryn Milligan is the author of one of my favourite books on Dublin in recent years, Painting Dublin: 1886-1949. It explores how various artists have depicted the Hibernian Metropolis. We share a great love for Harry Kernoff, and in this episode she shares great insights into the man and the artist.

Feb 8, 2022

How can we compare the handing over of Dublin Castle with key moments in the history of other nations like India or Barbados? How accurate was the depiction of the transfer of power in Neil Jordan's 1996 classic Michael Collins? Kate O'Malley, co-author of The Handover (with John Gibney) joined me to explore what the...

Feb 1, 2022

This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the passing of Dublin's first female Lord Mayor, Kathleen Clarke. A founding member of Fianna Fáil, her time in the Mansion House brought her into serious confrontation with the party. She transformed the  symbols of the city and paved the way for the nine other women who...